ROCK event on Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into National Law with Ursula Kilkelly

On 20 October 2021, we held our first event in the two-part series of ROCK events on the incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) with Professor Ursula Kilkelly, a leading expert on international children’s rights law.

Professor Kilkelly presented the findings of her recently published book 'Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child', the first comprehensive analysis of progress across the world towards giving legal effect to the CRC. Professor Kilkelly shared insights about the challenges and successes different countries have faced when incorporating the Convention in their own unique contexts.

To watch a recording of the seminar online, click here. Her analysis will be invaluable for policy professionals, campaigners, researchers, lawyers, and anyone with an interest in how states can best protect the rights of children.

This event was organised by the Rights of the Child UK (ROCK) steering group: CRAE (part of Just for Kids Law), Together, Children in Wales, Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group and UNICEF UK.