CRAE highlights the impact the Bill of Rights Bill would have on children's rights

CRAE has written a 2nd reading briefing on the Bill of Rights Bill (BORB) for parliamentarians to highlight the devastating impact that it would have on children's rights, supported by over 40 organisations from across the children’s sector. Although the BORB has been postponed, we still believe it's important to recognise the damaging impact that the Bill could have, if enacted. 

CRAE has also joined 123 social justice organisations in support of Liberty's joint briefing on the BORB, which calls for the BORB to be withdrawn entirely in favour of retaining the Human Rights Act 1998.

We believe that there is no need to repeal and replace the Human Rights Act, which has been crucial to upholding respect for children's human rights and the ability of children to hold the UK Government and public bodies to account when those rights have been infringed.