We have published a new briefing, in partnership with Unicef UK and the Equality and Human Rights Commission, on how well the UK is putting in place the right laws, mechanisms and structures to make sure the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is fully implemented.
If a State is to make sure that all children, no matter their background or circumstance, have all their rights respected then it needs to put in place some specific things like a senior minster for children, who can champion children’s rights across government; an impact assessment process to assess how a policy or new law will affect the implementation of children’s rights; and an action plan to make sure it is doing all it can to make the rights set out in the CRC become a reality for children. Together these things are known as the General Measures of Implementation (GMIs).
In May 2023, the UK Government was examined by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on how well it is respecting children’s rights. Part of this examination looked at how well the UK is complying with the GMIs. Our new briefing sets out in an accessible way, what the UN Committee concluded in this area and its recommendations for change.
Download the briefing below.