Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
New Briefing - The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Concluding Observations on the UK: How civil society organisations can use them
Resource / Publication / Criminal justice and policing
Children's Realities in Europe: Progress & Gaps
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
A Children's Rights Charter for the new UK Government
Resource / Publication / Children's Social care
Civil society alternative report 2022 to the UN Committee – England (Summary)
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
Universal Periodic Review: thematic briefings
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
Briefing on the Bill of Rights - Implications for Children
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
Inquiry submission on Children’s Commissioner powers
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
UPR Joint Submission 2022 - CRAE and Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group
Resource / Publication / Consultation responses
CRAE's response to the consultation on reform of the Human Rights Act
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
Using CRIAs to improve policy making
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
House of Lords briefing, Oral question for short debate: ‘Incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) into legislation’
Resource / Publication / General Measures of Implementation
Submission from CRAE and Just for Kids Law to the Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry on Black people, racism and human rights
Publications and Resources
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